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  • Writer's pictureJill Singleton

Recharging My Brain’s Capacity

I was having my lunch break at Yorkeys Knob the other day and filmed these Back Red Tail Cockatoos on my iPhone - and just had to share.

My lunchtime walk experience got me thinking about the importance of taking a break from your desk and stepping outside to breath fresh air and to see the sky.

I used to think that I was being more productive eating lunch at my desk or skipping lunch altogether - so I could just get that piece of work completed. When I look back I realise that I spent most days indoors sitting under an electric light and my only glimpse of daylight was through the office window. This was not a good time.

Nowadays, I make a point of leaving my desk every lunchtime when possible, and I go for a walk outside no matter where I am, no matter how busy. There’s always something to see, birds, animals, interesting insects, fabulous flora, an interesting building… there is always something to enjoy.

I find walking helps me to think. I can clear my mind while I’m walking, and I’ve found solutions to problems that had been deluding me all morning while I was sitting at my computer, but for some reason while walking along the creek, or down by the beach, or walking through the city suddenly the answer becomes clear to me. It’s a great feeling – you should try it!

So, over the years, I got to understand that a 30-minute mid-day walk helped me to be more productive, more efficient in my work, and more focused. I was wondering whether I was the only one, so I did a quick google and found this article:

The Workable Wellness report agrees that taking your breaks is important in so many ways:

Recharge your brain’s capacity – by giving your brain time to rest and recharge, your coping abilities will increase, as will your emotional intelligence, decision-making skills, memory, and focus.

Improve physical health – by stepping away from work and nourishing your body, you will improve digestion, impact blood pressure, and improve sleep.

Stress management – it is impossible for anyone to work every minute of every day without eventually burning out

Increase afternoon energy levels – if you experience that 2-3pm energy slump then taking a lunch break can make a real difference to how you feel and how much work you get through during the afternoon.

Enjoyment – one in three people who were surveyed by The Australian Institute said lunch breaks made their day more enjoyable. When professionals enjoy their work it leads to a happier, more productive workplace.

Don’t sit at your desk for 8 hours a day – get outside and recharge your brain’s capacity!

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